Dec 29, 2010

McAfee 2011, the threat alert: Mobile, Apple began target.

McAfee released its report 2011 Threat Predictions Report (PDF) predicted global threats on IT next year. Divided into the following issues.

Social Media.

2010, the threat of spam has decreased. Because people turn to each other using social media instead of the target next year is like a second.

    * Short URL Service: Current Use of a short URL link to a fake and then some. But next year we will see more disasters like this. Including a post with a short URL threat to service other than with social media.
    * Please note their location service: whether it is a Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places, if not being aware of opportunities out there.


The threats came through on the phone not much Neu (such as Android or rootkit on the vulnerability of the jailbreak on the iPhone), but McAfee predicted that the year 2011 will be a major turning point. And we see the threat of a new mobile. Pop up a lot.


In the past, Mac OS X platform is not very targeted. But when the user base more. As well as other products like the iPad and Apple's iPhone will make their products more at risk. By bringing iPad / iPhone to use in-house. That may be very little impact if critical information out to.


New products like Google TV app may be secretly pulling some important information or personal information. And the app used to control devices or systems. Remote is the most security vulnerabilities. Apple to accelerate the development of the market may cause security issues as well.

And more complex threats.

    * We will see the fake hide file signed by the same file more genuine.
    * Techniques to steal a key or a new fake keys.
    * "Friendly fire" or that someone being pierced friends and then reconcile the social network.
    * "Smart bomb" attack that will only occur in an environment where the only


Originally botnet to borrow another machine to use as a base to shoot, but collapsed this year, McAfee expects to remove the botnet machines that stick it out with Although officials will use those laws more, but let botnet botnet will be developed to circumvent the measures themselves as well as the combination of the two botnet name is Zeus and SpyEye.

Last botnet uses social network such as the base for a spread.

The hacking system

We will see that hacking is motivated more by politics. Including the hackers gathered independently Not under the influence of a particular country as the government's case and Anonymous WikiLeaks.

The trend of hackers to go from working alone. A loose organization (eg, common shot DDoS) and developed a hierarchical organization with clear

Advanced Persistent Threats.

Advanced Persistent Threats or APT is the name for a new threat that has been supported by a particular country is a clear example of Operation Aurora that Google had collapsed this year. Organizations with high data security. (May include the law firm of large multinational companies) have to be careful with this type of attack.

Source - Blognone, McAfee Labs.

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