From events that have come before. That Yahoo is closing Delicious, MyBlogLog, Alta Vista is now agreed that Yahoo does not close the Delicious service. But to find someone to take over the administration of the affairs Delicious instead.
Delicious recent blogs confirm that it is not closed, but certainly agree that is not suitable for Delicious Yahoo's strategy and are looking for "new home" for now, Yahoo is talking with several companies to negotiate sales to Delicious.
The person concerned was able to export data from Delicious is (must be logged on before use.)
Source – Blognone, Delicious Blog.
Delicious recent blogs confirm that it is not closed, but certainly agree that is not suitable for Delicious Yahoo's strategy and are looking for "new home" for now, Yahoo is talking with several companies to negotiate sales to Delicious.
The person concerned was able to export data from Delicious is (must be logged on before use.)
Source – Blognone, Delicious Blog.